After a good few trouble free months of motoring the first issue has arisen. The car gained a rather worrying knocking noise. This noise would happen upon acceleration and sharp deceleration. The car would thud, which could be felt through the drive-train. After a few Google searches I'd diagnosed the problem to the prop-shaft coupling (a small rubber doughnut or know as a Guibo) that links the transmission to the prop-shaft for dampening purposes. This tends to perish over time and cause a banging sensation. So off to the local garage to have it diagnosed for real and get a quote. I dropped the car off and then went to pick it up later. I had already bought a rubber coupling from GSF car parts for a small charge of £18 as to be prepared.
When I arrived back the coupling was still on the passenger seat. I got a sinking feeling to start with. I was told the prop-shaft needed a Universal Joint (UJ) on the end which meant it needed to go to a specialist to be done. At this point the quote was getting towards the £200 mark, not really ideal and made my £18 pale into insignificance. So I booked her in and took a solemn drive home to break the news to the wife.
So the big day came for her to have her new UJ fitted (the car, not the wife!).I went in early before work to drop her off. Due to living in Yorkshire, the weather was damp, to say the least. Add to this the fact my umbrella was sat in the boot of the car, and I'd just posted the keys through the garages letter box. Great.
So after arriving at work soaked the day went ahead as normal. Mid day I get a call to say the car is sorted. Puzzled at the rather fast response I am told it wasn't the UJ after all. The problem was the rear differential bolts had come loose which was causing the judder. What a relief (cost wise, not the fact my diff could of come off at any time!!).So £5 later we are back to normal. The coupling (Guibo) goes on EBay to get rid.